Connect SubWallet to Acala Portal
For instructions on creating an Acala account with SubWallet, please visit Create an Account
Log into Acala Portal. The browser will automatically prompt you to choose wallets. Select SubWallet, then select the account(s) you want to connect and hit Confirm.

Bridge Tokens
Step 1: On the home page, select Bridge either on the left menu or in the corresponding block.

Step 2: Choose the origin chain and the destination chain from the drop-down list. You can switch back and forth using the arrow button. Enter the amount of DOT you want to bridge and hit Transfer.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Mint aUSD
Step 1: On the home page, select Mint aUSD either on the left menu or in the corresponding block. Hit Create Vault button or scroll down and select Get Started.

Step 2: Select your desired collateral type and hit Next.

Step 3: Enter the amount you want to deposit and the amount of aUSD you would like to mint. Note that Acala sets a minimum amount of aUSD required to mint for each of the collateral type. Hit Next.

If you don't have enough of one token type to mint aUSD, you can always swap to other types. For example, in here, we swap from ACA to lcDOT to satisfy the minimum requirement for aUSD minted. Instructions for token swapping can be found here: Swap Tokens.
Step 3: Double check your transaction and click on Confirm. Then in SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Swap Tokens
Step 1: Select Swap on the left menu.

Step 2: Choose the token you want to pay with and the token you want to receive. You can switch back and forth using the reverse icon. Scroll down and hit Swap.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Manage Liquidity
Add Liquidity
Step 1: Select Swap on the left menu. On the top menu, select Liquidity and then Add Liquidity.

Step 2: Select your desired pair of tokens to deposit, then scroll down to enter the amount of each token. Choose Stake LP Tokens if you wish to do so, then hit Add Liquidity after double checking each token's amount.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Withdraw Liquidity
Step 1: Select Swap on the left menu. On the top menu, select Liquidity and then Withdraw Liquidity.

Step 2: Choose your withdraw token from the drop-down list and enter the amount you wish to withdraw. Select Automatically unstake LP Tokens and withdraw if you have LP tokens staked and want to withdraw them too. Then hit Withdraw Liquidity.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Manage Staking
LP Staking
Step 1: On the home page, select Earn either on the left menu or in the corresponding block. Then on the top menu, hit LP Staking.

Step 2: Choose the LP token that you want to stake, then hit Stake/Unstake. On the pop-up window, enter amount under Free Balance to stake and under Staked Balance to unstake. Click on the corresponding button.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Collateral Staking
Step 1: On the home page, select Earn either on the left menu or in the corresponding block. Then on the top menu, hit Collateral Staking. Hit Stake/Unstake.

Step 2: Enter amount under Free Balance to stake and under Staked Balance to unstake. Click on the corresponding button.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Liquid Staking
Last updated