
Your Moonbeam wallet is here.

Connect SubWallet to Moonbeam

For instructions on creating Moonbeam wallet including EVM and Substrate accounts with SubWallet, please visit Create an Account

If you want to import your Moonbeam wallets (accounts) from MetaMask into SubWallet, go to Import an Account using private key from MetaMask

Step 1: Log into Moonbeam DApp. Select SubWallet, then select the EVM account(s) (Polkadot EVM wallets) you want to connect and hit Connect.

Step 2: After logging in, the DApp will automatically prompt you to connect your Substrate account (Polkadot native wallet). Select the account(s) you want to connect and hit Connect.

Stake GLMR

Step 1: On the Moonbeam dashboard, scroll down to Staking and press Manage delegations.

Step 2: On the Staking screen, press Select a collator. A list of collators divided into active pool and on wait pops up with details about each collator so you can make an informed decision. Choose a collator.

Step 3: Enter the amount of GLMR you want to delegate and choose Delegate. Key in your password on the SubWallet pop-up screen and press Send Transaction. Your transaction is complete.

Note that Moonbeam requires a minimum delegation amount of 50 GLMR, but collators can ask for a higher minimum amount. Always check this information before delegating your stake.

Manage Cross-chain Assets

Deposit Tokens

Step 1: On the main dashboard, select an asset you would like to deposit into Moonbeam and hit the deposit button next to it.

Step 2: Choose the chain and the Substrate address you want to send from and enter the amount. Press Send, then key in your password on the SubWallet pop-up and hit Approve. Your transaction is successful.

Withdraw Tokens

Step 1: On the main dashboard, select an asset you would like to withdraw from Moonbeam and hit the withdraw button next to it.

Step 2: Choose the chain and the Substrate address you want to withdraw to and enter the amount. Press Send, then key in your password on the SubWallet pop-up and hit Approve. Your transaction is successful.

Last updated