
Connect SubWallet to Bifrost Portal

For instructions on creating a Bifrost account with SubWallet, please visit Create an Account page.

Log into Bifrost Portal. The browser will automatically prompt you to choose wallets. Select SubWallet, then select the account(s) you want to connect to Bifrost.

Contribute to Crowdloan

Step 1: On the left menu column, choose vCrowdloan. On the uppermost toolbar, select either DOT Slot or KSM Slot to find your desired project.

Step 2: Scroll down to select the project you want to contribute to. Hit Contribute. If you want to refer your friend and receive 50% additional bonus, click on the share icon next to each project to get the share link.

Step 3: Enter the amount of DOT/KSM you want to contribute and key in the referral address if available. Hit Confirm. Review your transaction and hit Confirm again.

Step 4: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Manage Staking


Step 1: On the left menu column, choose vStaking. Select vKSM.

Step 2: Slide to choose the amount of KSM you want to stake. If you don't have enough KSM on Bifrost, you can choose to Cross in from the Relay Chain. Note that the minimum amount required to mint is 1 KSM.

Step 3: Hit Mint, then click on Confirm.

Step 4: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Collateral Staking

Step 1: On the left menu column, select Collator. Scroll down to see the list of collators and choose one that you wish to delegate to. Hit Delegate.

Step 2: Enter the amount you want to delegate, then hit Delegate. Note that you must delegate at least 50 BNC. Review your transaction and select Confirm.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Manage Liquidity

Add Liquidity

Step 1: On the left menu column, choose Farm. If you haven't got any LP token, hover over the one you would like to get and hit Get LP. You will be taken to Zenlink Portal to add liquidity.

Step 2: Enter the amount of each token then hit Supply. Review your transaction, click on Confirm, and in SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve. (Zenlink will ask you to agree to their terms and conditions if you haven't done so already. Repeat step 2 after hitting Accept.)

Step 3: Go back to Bifrost portal and hit Deposit under the LP that you have just got. Enter the amount you wish and click on Deposit again. Review your transaction and hit Confirm.

Step 4: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Withdraw Liquidity

Step 1: On the left menu column, choose Farm. Under the LP token that you have deposited, click on Manage.

Step 2: Choose Withdraw on the toolbar. Enter the amount and hit Withdraw. Review your transaction and select Confirm.

Step 3: In SubWallet's pop-up window, key in your password and hit Approve.

Bridge Tokens

Swap Tokens

Step 1: On the left menu clumn, choose Swap. Select the token you want to pay and receive respectively, then enter the amount in either box.

Step 2: Hit Swap, then hit Confirm on the pop-up box. Enter your password on SubWallet's pop-up window and click on Approve.

Step 3: You can check your balance on both Bifrost App and SubWallet Extension. In this case, the amount of KSM on Bifrost is 0.0004.

Last updated