Claim staking rewards

Earn your reward payout after staking your tokens on SubWallet.

Claiming options

Once you receive rewards for staking in an active pool, you will need to claim them manually. With the rewards, you will have 2 options to claim:

Claiming options

Stake into your chosen pool

Add to your transferable balance

We recommend claiming staking rewards every 2 weeks to avoid paying a gas fee each time you claim.

How to claim

Step 1: Open the SubWallet extension and choose the "Earning" tab at the bottom of the screen. In the Your earning positions screen, select the funds for which you want to claim rewards.

Step 2: Select "Claim rewards" to start the claiming process.

Step 3: Click "Continue" to proceed.

If you are in "All accounts" mode, you will need to select the account for which you want to claim rewards.

Step 4: Check the information and confirm your request by clicking "Approve".

Step 5: Your request has been submitted!

You can either click "Back to home" to return to the homepage or "View transaction" to see transaction details in the History tab.

If you click "View transaction", SubWallet will show you the latest transaction record in your transaction history along with the extrinsic hash of the transfer.

Last updated