Create a new account

This document will show you how to create a new account on SubWallet.

If this is the first time you install SubWallet

Step 1: Open SubWallet's web dashboard, at the welcome page, choose "Create a new account".

Step 2: Create a password and click "Continue".

Please note that SubWallet is non-custodial, so you would be the only person who knows your password; we cannot help you restore your password once it is lost. Please make sure that your password is well-kept.

Step 3: Keep your recovery phrase (also known as seed phrase or secret phrase) in a safe place.

This recovery phrase is as important as your private key; if someone has your recovery phrase, they will have full control of your account.

If, for instance, you forget your password, you will need your recovery phrase to import the account again and set up a new password.

Step 4: Your account has been successfully set up. Click "Go to portfolio" to get to Homepage.

If you have already used SubWallet web dashboard before

Step 1: Open SubWallet homepage, and click on the account name to get to the account management screen.

Step 2: In the account management screen, click "Create new".

Then choose "Create with new seed phrase".

Step 3: Select type(s) of account you want to create. Then click "Confirm".

Step 4: Keep your recovery phrase (also known as seed phrase or secret phrase) in a safe place. Then, click on "I have saved it somewhere safe".

In the Homepage, if you click the account name, you will see your list of accounts. You can switch & select your accounts here. We also offer the "All accounts" mode in case you need a quick glance at your total assets.

For each seed phrase created with SubWallet, you would have a Substrate account and an EVM account. Substrate account would display your assets on Substrate-native blockchains (such as Polkadot, Kusama, and Acala), while EVM account would display your assets on EVM chains (such as Moonbeam).

Last updated