Swap tokens
Easily swap your tokens in just 1 click — fast, simple, and hassle-free!
Last updated
Easily swap your tokens in just 1 click — fast, simple, and hassle-free!
Last updated
This feature allows users to easily swap multiple cryptocurrencies directly within the wallet interface, streamlining the process significantly.
SubWallet currently enables token swaps within the same network (single-chain swap) and between different networks (cross-chain swap) across the Polkadot & Ethereum ecosystems.
With SubWallet, you can now swap tokens via these swap providers:
Up to 3 minutes
From 5 to 60 minutes
Polkadot Asset Hub
When swapping DOT & ASTR via Hydration, SubWallet allows you to swap these tokens even if you don't have any funds on Hydration. This means that if you only have DOT on Polkadot & ASTR on Astar, you can still swap them for other tokens on Hydration directly on the Swap screen.
The exact process is applied for DOT swapping via Polkadot Asset Hub.
SubWallet currently enables token swaps within the same network (single-chain swap) and between different networks (cross-chain swap) in the Polkadot & Ethereum ecosystem.