Liquid staking

Stake your tokens while maintaining liquidity and earn your LSTs on SubWallet.

Earning information & parameters for supported liquid staking options

1. Acala liquid staking


Minimum stake

1 DOT (Acala) or 2 DOT (Polkadot)*

Minted token


  • LDOT stands for Liquid DOT, a yield-bearing token representing the staked DOT and the staking yield continuously accruing

  • The amount of LDOT doesn’t increase over time; only its value in DOT does

Unstake options

  • Fast unstake: withdraw your DOT instantly with a higher fee

  • Normal unstake: wait up to 28 days to withdraw with a lower fee

Stake & unstake fees

  • Stake: fees will be paid either in ACA or DOT

  • Unstake: fees will be paid in ACA

(*): If you only have DOT on Polkadot, make sure you have more than 2 DOT to be able to cross-chain them to Acala and pay the gas fee for staking.

2. Bifrost liquid staking

2.1. DOT


Minimum stake

0.5 DOT (Bifrost Polkadot) or 1.5 DOT (Polkadot)**

Minted token


  • vDOT stands for voucher DOT, a yield-bearing token representing the staked DOT plus the continuously accruing staking yield

  • The amount of vDOT doesn’t increase over time; only its value in DOT does

Unstake options

  • Fast unstake: withdraw your DOT instantly with a higher fee

  • Normal unstake: wait up to 28 days to withdraw with a lower fee

Stake & unstake fees

  • Stake: fees will be paid either in BNC or DOT

  • Unstake: fees will be paid in BNC

(**): If you only have DOT on Polkadot, make sure you have more than 1.5 DOT to be able to cross-chain them to Bifrost Polkadot and pay the gas fee for staking.

2.2. MANTA


Minimum stake

1 MANTA (Bifrost Polkadot) or 2 MANTA (Manta Atlantic)***

Minted token


  • vMANTA stands for voucher MANTA, a yield-bearing token representing the staked MANTA plus the continuously accruing staking yield

  • The amount of vMANTA doesn’t increase over time; only its value in MANTA does

Unstake options

  • Fast unstake: withdraw your DOT instantly with a higher fee

  • Normal unstake: wait up to 7 days to withdraw with a lower fee

Stake & unstake fees

  • Stake: fees will be paid either in BNC or MANTA

  • Unstake: fees will be paid in BNC

(***): If you only have MANTA on Manta Atlantic, make sure you have more than 2 MANTA to be able to cross-chain them to Bifrost Polkadot and pay the gas fee for staking.

3. StellaSwap liquid staking


Minimum stake

0 xcDOT (Moonbeam)****

Minted token

stDOT: a liquid token representing your share of the total xcDOT pool deposited with StellaSwap.

Unstake time

Instant withdrawal (once unstaked, you will receive xcDOT immediately)

Stake & unstake fees

Fees will be paid in GLMR

(****): If you only have DOT on Polkadot, you need to cross-chain them to Moonbeam first, then stake.

Here are articles in this section:

Start stakingUnstake & redeem funds

Last updated