Connect/disconnect dApp via WalletConnect
Easily link a dApp to your account(s) via WalletConnect on SubWallet.
Last updated
Easily link a dApp to your account(s) via WalletConnect on SubWallet.
Last updated
WalletConnect is a protocol that securely connects users' cryptocurrency wallets with dApps, enabling convenient and secure interaction between the two. It eliminates the need for manual entry of wallet information and enhances security in transactions and account access.
If you want to connect dApp via WalletConnect directly from your device, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: On the SubWallet homepage, press the "dApps" tab at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: Search for the dApp you want to access by typing on the search bar or selecting a dApp in the Recommended section.
In this example, we are connecting to Hydration DEX.
Step 3: After successfully accessing the dApp, find the Connect button to connect your account(s).
Depending on each dApp, you will see different buttons, but they are mostly labeled "Connect" or "Connect Wallet".
In this example, as we connect to Hydration DEX, the "Connect Wallet" button will be at the top right of the screen.
Step 4: Choose "WalletConnect" as your connect method.
Step 5: The WalletConnect modal popup will appear. Choose "SubWallet" as your desired wallet to connect.
If you can't find the SubWallet option, tap "View all" and type SubWallet in the search bar.
Once done, another popup will appear. Choose the account(s) you want to connect to and hit "Approve".
Some dApps may require verifying your account ownership before you connect to them.
In such instances, another popup will appear. Choose the "Approve" option to complete the process.
Step 6: You have successfully connected your account(s) to a dApp via WalletConnect!
If you want to connect to dApp on another device, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Open the dApp on another device.
If the device is a desktop/PC, check out this guide
If the device is mobile, follow the instructions above. In step 5, press the QR icon at the upper right of the popup.
Once the QR code from WalletConnect is displayed, you can scan it from your device. Choose one of the following methods that suited best for you:
Step 2: From your device, open the SubWallet app. On the homepage, tap the QR icon at the top right corner.
Step 3: Connect to dApp by pointing your camera towards the QR code to scan.
Step 4: A popup will appear. Choose the account(s) you want to connect to and hit "Approve".
Step 5: You have successfully connected your account(s) to a dApp via WalletConnect!
Step 2: In the Settings screen, select "WalletConnect".
Step 3: You will see a list of websites connected to SubWallet and the corresponding number of accounts connecting. Select the dApp you want to disconnect, then click "Disconnect".
Step 4: A popup will appear, asking you to confirm the action. Hit "Disconnect" to complete the process.
You have successfully disconnected your account(s) via WalletConnect!
Step 2: From your device, open the SubWallet app. On the homepage, tap the icon at the top left corner of the screen to get to the Settings section.
Step 1: On the SubWallet homepage, tap the icon at the top left corner of the screen to get to the Settings section.