
This document will show you how to unstake DOT from Polkadot nomination pool on the Earning page on SubWallet web dashboard.

Step 1: Open SubWallet web dashboard, then click on the Earning tab on the sidebar.

Step 2: Click on the "Unstake" button in Polkadot Nomination Pool tab.

Step 3: Fill in the information for the transaction. Then click "Unstake" to proceed.

You may notice that there is a "Max" option when you enter the unstake amount. Please note that Max = Active bonded which means that choosing the "Max" option will unstake all your currently bonded balances.

When you manually enter the amount, if the unstake amount that you input makes the remaining active stake lower than the minimum active stake, SubWallet will automatically change it to "Max".

Please ensure your account balance is sufficient to cover transaction fees and keep your account live.

Step 4: Check the information carefully and then click "Approve".

Step 5: The result is in!

You can see the transaction details by clicking on "View transaction".

Please note that for Polkadot nomination pool, once unstaked, your funds will be available for withdrawal after 28 days.

Last updated