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Last updated
Step 1: On the SubWallet homepage, tap the "Earning" tab at the bottom of the screen. In the Your earning positions screen, select the funds you want to stake more.
Step 2: Press "Stake more" to add more funds to your stake.
Step 3: Enter the amount you want to add to your stake. Once done, hit "Stake".
You can choose any collator as you add more funds to your stake.
Make sure you leave enough tokens to pay gas fees for rewards claims, unstaking, or withdrawal.
Step 4: Check the information and confirm your request by hitting "Approve".
Step 5: Your request has been submitted!
You can either select "Back to home" to return to the homepage or "View transaction" to see transaction details in the History tab.
If you press "View transaction", SubWallet will show you the latest transaction record in your transaction history along with the extrinsic hash of the transfer.
To check the status of your staked funds, after selecting "Back to home", repeat the action as per Step 1. In the Your earning positions screen, scroll down, then select your newly added staked funds.
Accumulate your staked funds by staking more.