Start staking
Start earning by staking tokens via liquid staking on SubWallet.
Last updated
Start earning by staking tokens via liquid staking on SubWallet.
Last updated
Step 1: On the SubWallet homepage, hit the "Earning" tab at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: In the Earning options screen, choose the token you want to stake by searching the list or typing the token name on the search bar.
In this example, we want to stake DOT via Bifrost liquid staking.
If you have previously staked funds on the account, after choosing the "Earning" tab, you will be directed to the Your earning positions screen. From there, press the "+" icon at the upper right corner to get to the Earning options screen.
Step 3: In the DOT earning options screen, select the "DOT (Bifrost Polkadot)" option as your liquid staking method.
A pop-up will appear. Read carefully, scroll down, then choose "Stake to earn" to proceed.
Step 4: Enter the amount you want to stake.
If you are in the "All accounts" mode, in addition to the above information, you will also need to select the staking account.
Press "Stake" to proceed.
Choose the appropriate tab based on whether your tokens are on the required network:
Step 5: Check the information and confirm your minting request by hitting "Approve".
Step 6: Your staking request has been submitted!
You can either select "Back to home" to return to the homepage or "View transaction" to see transaction details in the History tab.
If you press "View transaction", SubWallet will show you the latest transaction record in your transaction history, along with the extrinsic hash of the transfer.
To check the status of your staked funds, after selecting "Back to home", hit the Earning tab as per Step 1. In the Your earning positions screen, scroll down, then tap on your newly staked funds.