Earning information

This document will show you how to use the earning information feature on the Earning page on SubWallet web dashboard.

Step 1: Open SubWallet web dashboard and choose the Earning tab on the sidebar.

Step 2: In the Earning section, you will see a list of available protocols.

Click on the "Earning information" button of any desired protocol.

If you have previously staked for certain protocols, when you choose the Earning tab on the sidebar, the screen will be displayed in the following manner. Don't worry, just simply click on the "+" icon to access the same screen as the picture above.

Step 3: You will be directed to the Earning Information screen.

On this screen, you can view the details such as maximum possible APY, total value staked, minimum active, unstaking period, required assets, etc.

If you still want to know more, click on the "More info" button.

This action will take you to our SubWallet user guide website's FAQs section where you can find all the information you need.

You can switch between available protocols to compare them without leaving to another screen. Just click on the protocol name to see a drop-down menu and choose another protocol that you want to view its earning information.

Then the earning information of the selected protocol will be displayed right on the same screen.

After comparing the earning information of available protocols, you can click on the "Earn now" button below to head to the process screen of this protocol and start earning rewards.

Last updated