Single-chain transfer
This document will show you how to transfer tokens on single-chain with SubWallet.
"Single-chain transfer" refers to the process of transferring tokens within the same blockchain network. It does not involve moving assets across different blockchains.
Step 1: Open SubWallet homepage and click the "Send" button.
You will be directed to a transaction request screen.
If you are in Single-account mode
Step 2: Enter the information for the transaction and click the "Transfer" button.
In this new version of SubWallet, we introduced a new feature: Address book.
This feature would save you a lot of time when entering the address for transaction.
By clicking the book icon on the right-hand side of the address field, you will be directed to a list of addresses including the addresses of your accounts and other addresses (contacts) you have manually saved before.
Step 3: Check your transaction details, then click "Approve" if you want to proceed.
Step 4: Transaction result is in.
You can either go back to the homepage or view the "receipt" of your transaction in the transaction history.
If you click "View transaction", the wallet will show you the latest transaction record in your transaction history which corresponds with the extrinsic hash of this action.
Please remember that the receive record and the send record must have identical extrinsic hash.
If you are in "All accounts" mode
In "All accounts" mode, most transaction steps are identical to the "Single-account mode". The only additional step that users need to perform is selecting the sender.
Last updated