Install the SubWallet mobile app
This document will show you how to install SubWallet - A comprehensive non-custodial wallet on your mobile.
Last updated
This document will show you how to install SubWallet - A comprehensive non-custodial wallet on your mobile.
Last updated
Step 1: Open the App Store app and select the Search tab. Search for SubWallet, then select "Get".
You can also download SubWallet via this link:
Step 2: A popup will appear. Hit "Install" to install the app.
Open the Play Store app and select the Search tab at the bottom of the screen. Search for SubWallet, then hit "Install".
You can also download the app via this link:
Our team will constantly release new versions to improve app performance and user experience, so be sure to check and update new versions regularly to ensure a seamless experience.
When a new version is released, open the Play Store/App Store app and select the "Update" button to download:
SubWallet no longer supports app updates for devices running iOS 16.4 or lower. To continue using the app and receive new updates in the future, please update your device to a higher iOS version.