Attach Polkadot Vault (prev. Parity Signer) accounts
Learn how to attach a Polkadot Vault account (formerly Parity-Signer) to SubWallet.
Last updated
Learn how to attach a Polkadot Vault account (formerly Parity-Signer) to SubWallet.
Last updated
Polkadot Vault is a cold storage solution that turns your iOS or Android device into a dedicated hardware wallet for Substrate-based networks. Your keys are kept secure (i.e., offline) at all times, and transactions are signed in an air-gapped way via QR codes.
We advise you to create a backup of your recovery phrase and update to the latest version of Polkadot Vault if you are utilizing Parity Signer (an older version of the app before its rebranding).
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